Friday, December 20, 2019

Improving The Medication Adherence On Health Behaviors...

Patient portals are slowly reaching the diverse set of population in the Unites States of America. Although, the use of technology in healthcare systems is gaining more importance than before due to ‘meaningful use’ approach, but is it contributing towards healthcare disparities? Inverse care law postulates that new healthcare interventions disproportionately benefit those patients with the most resources [1]. But does every individual irrespective of their race/ethnicity or socioeconomic status receive the same benefits? Do patient portals help in improving the medication adherence in reality? There are several studies which have confirmed that using patient portals, patients can access to care and measure their outcomes. However, this†¦show more content†¦Statins were used as a medication class on which the refill function was studied. The evidence was in the form of percentage of time without statins. The data were interpreted using statistical tools for analysis and interpretation. It was observed through the analysis that 12.9% was the average percentage of time without the supply of statins. Whites had the lowest percentage time without statins when compared to other groups. In the reference group, there was no major difference in adherence that was observed, but occasional users showed decrease in the percentage time and exclusive showed a significant decrease. The statistical tools, namely chi square, t test and least square regression models were used. The results were presented as graphical and as tabular format. The percentage of time without statins was the technique used to meet all the hypothesis questions raised in the study. The hypothesis question raised in the study was answered adequately. It was confirmed through the study that online use of patient portals for refilling can contribute significantly to patient adherence across different ethnic/racial group. While many studies have talked about the use of patient portals helped in improving patient care, this study was first of its kind to demonstrate that patient portals have actually improved medication adherence. Whites improved adherence to medication by using an online refill function in patient portal

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